Sunday, January 16, 2011

Week Five Blog

Compare and contrast the Loving Kindness exercise and the Subtle mind exercise. Explain your experience including the benefits, frustrations etc.

The subtle mind was really really hard to do with the static noise.  I stopped the disc and continued to try, but being disrupted and not fallowing the disc with the ocean noise made it feel lacking.  I did concentrate my thoughts, and I did find myself wandering and returning to focusing on my breath, but I never felt unattached from my thoughts.  I would love to experience this though.  Overall it was relaxing. 

Discuss the connection of the spiritual wellness to mental and physical wellness. Explain how the connection is manifested in your personal life.

I recently talked about having anxiety attacks on the discussion board, and the horrible physical and mental effects of the attacks.  With the lessons from this class, the loving kindness and subtle mind practices and prayer, I feel like I have nearly overcome this struggle.  I had an amazing experience with prayer the other day, I was working in the office, but could hear the TV in the front room, and the 700 club came on, and I thought about getting up to change the channel to hear something else I would rather listen to, but was busy so I kept working.  What I heard and fallowed has refreshed my previously lacking spiritual connection, and has helped me to feel helped by God.  The show prompted me to pray to be rescued from my struggle, and I did, and I felt like I was afterwards.  Since, I still run into problems in my mind, but I think of the prayer and I feel like it is all passing.  I feel more energetic, empowered, and hopeful now.  Overall, I am feeling so much better. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow Courtney, your experience with the 700 club reminds me of one of my most powerful experiences which also involved that show. The night before I had been praying and telling God that I just couldn't do this anymore (handle a family situation). The next morning when they were doing prayer on the show, Terri said there was someone who had been crying out to God that they "just couldn't do this"...but God says you CAN, he will help you etc....Needless to say that brought me right to my knees and I felt so loved and heard by God! It helped me to remember to not only pray but to LISTEN for the answer! These exercises to quite our mind I think will help me learn to be still and listen for God's answers.
